Insecurity: Again, Fani-Kayode Blasts Those Acting As Front For Bandits, Terrorists - Welcome to Save Our Nation's (SON) Blog


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Wednesday 28 April 2021

Insecurity: Again, Fani-Kayode Blasts Those Acting As Front For Bandits, Terrorists

Insecurity: Again, Fani-Kayode Blasts Those Acting As Front For Bandits, Terrorists

Chief Femi Fani- Kayode, A former Aviation Minister has berated those fronting for bandits and terrorist in the country.

He noted that such moves only embolden killings, kidnappings and banditry across the country.

He said, “we can comfortably conclude that our country is under the power and influence of a bunch of murderous and heartless jihadists.”

I will not mention names but when a Salafist terrorist who says he loves Al Qaeda and the Taliban, who says Osama Bin Ladin was a better Muslim than him, who says he is happy when “unbelievers” are killed, who says he will lead Muslims into Christian areas as their “commander” and avenge their deaths and who hates Christians and non-Muslims with a passion continues to occupy a critical and sensitive position in Government even after millions of Nigerians have demanded his removal or resignation you know we are heading for the rocks.

Again when a supposedly respected Islamic cleric who acts as a front and go-between for the foreign Fulani bandits and terrorists, who facilitates the payment of huge ransoms to them and who loves and constantly defends them tells us that if that man is removed from Government we will all “regret it”, we can comfortably conclude that our country is under the power and influence of a bunch of murderous and heartless jihadists.

This is not a democracy. It is the rulership of the Janjaweed. It is the manifestation of an ancient agenda and the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy.

Those that believe that they are the masters and owners of Nigeria and Nigerians do not see our country like a modern-day 21st-century secular state but rather as a conquered territory that is in the process of being transformed into a full-fledged Islamic and Fulanised state in which Christians, non-Muslims, non-Fulanis and moderate Muslims will be rendered useless and worthless and will become willing slaves, pitiful beggars and wretched serfs.

Millions of us would rather die than accept such an arrangement and we will fight to the last man to resist it.

We have nowhere to go and we have nowhere to run. Will will stand our ground, hold the line, build up our defences and guard our space for the sake of future generations.

We are either all equal before God and the law or we will end this godless, unequal and unholy union. We will either build a new Nigeria in which everyone is regarded as a human being with rights and dignity or we will have no Nigeria at all.

We stand at the ramparts and gates in the name and power of the Living God and take a solemn oath that those that seek to destroy and enslave us shall NOT have their way and shall NOT pass.

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