BREAKING: Biden Set To Address Taliban Victory In Afghanistan - Welcome to Save Our Nation's (SON) Blog


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Monday 16 August 2021

BREAKING: Biden Set To Address Taliban Victory In Afghanistan

BREAKING: Biden Set To Address Taliban Victory In Afghanistan

August 16, 2021

US President Joe Biden was due to address the nation — and the world — about the chaotic situation on the ground, and try to explain how two decades of US-led military intervention fuelled by billions of dollars ended in such a bruising defeat.

The militants captured Kabul, and many other cities, with little bloodshed — but in the capital, a sense of panic and fear overwhelmed residents, some of whom worried about a repeat of the insurgents’ brutal Islamist rule from 1996 to 2001.

At the airport, frantic Afghans tried to board the few flights available throughout the day, before US forces — sent in to secure the facility — shut down military and civilian operations.

“We are afraid to live in this city,” a 25-year-old ex-soldier told AFP as he stood among huge crowds on the tarmac.

“Since I served in the army, the Taliban would definitely target me.”

The United States — which was left shocked by the rapid collapse of the Afghan government — has sent 6,000 troops to ensure the safe evacuation of embassy staff, as well as Afghans who worked as interpreters or in other support roles.

Other governments including France, Germany and Australia also organised charter flights.
“US military forces are on the scene working alongside Turkish and other international troops to clear the area of people. We do not know how long this will take,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

US soldiers shot dead two men in the crowd with weapons who had “brandished them menacingly”, a Pentagon official said.

Dramatic footage posted on social media showed hundreds of men running alongside a US Air Force plane as it rolled down the runway, with some clinging to the side of it.

In other videos, civilians frantically clambered up an already overcrowded and buckling jetway.

– ‘We are afraid’ –
Critics say the US reputation as a global power has been badly tarnished.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the US-led NATO operation in Afghanistan “has not been as successful and has not been achieved in the way that we had planned”.

Britain’s Defence Secretary Ben Wallace described the Taliban takeover as a “failure of the international community”, assessing that the West’s intervention was a job only half-done.

The US government has insisted in recent days that its two decades of war in Afghanistan was a success, defined by quashing the Al-Qaeda threat.

Biden said at the weekend that there was no choice but to withdraw American troops and he would not “pass this war” on to another president.

The United Nations Security Council said Monday the international community must ensure Afghanistan does not become a breeding ground for terrorism under the Taliban, following an emergency meeting in New York.

“The following days will be pivotal,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. “The world is watching. We cannot and must not abandon the people of Afghanistan.”

– ‘You can’t breathe’ –
The United States released a statement along with more than 65 nations urging the Taliban to let Afghans leave the country, warning of accountability for any abuses.

The Taliban imposed an ultra-strict interpretation of sharia law during their 1996-2001 rule. This included banning girls from schools and women from working, while people were publicly stoned to death for adultery.

China was the first major nation to flag support for the Taliban, stating it was ready for “friendly relations”.
Russia’s ambassador to Afghanistan planned to meet with the Taliban on Tuesday, with recognition to be determined on how they govern the country in the near future, a foreign ministry official in Moscow said.

Iran said the “defeat” of the United States would offer a chance for “lasting peace” in Afghanistan.

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