Keep Calm, Every Disappointment Is A Blessing In Disguise For Those Who Believe In God - Comrade Gbenga Ambassador Easy - Welcome to Save Our Nation's (SON) Blog


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Wednesday 18 August 2021

Keep Calm, Every Disappointment Is A Blessing In Disguise For Those Who Believe In God - Comrade Gbenga Ambassador Easy

Keep Calm, Every Disappointment Is A Blessing In Disguise For Those Who Believe In God - Comrade Gbenga Ambassador Easy

August 18, 2021

Anywhere you find yourself, contribute your quota, no matter the situation or circumstances, give thanks to Almighty God. 

I have a good friend of mine who works in a multinational company, pardon me for not mentioning the company's name.

Some years back, after several months of economic loss, board members felt it was best to retrench on all fronts.

My friend was a *Sales Representative* who report to a *Sales Manager*, a Sales Manager then report to a *Commercial Manager* while a Commercial Manager report directly to the management. That's the company's quality circle.

My friend like brother was actually due for promotion but his Boss for no reason refused to signed his review form for that faithful Month. So, he remained as a Sales Representative. 

Just the first week of the following Month, two of my friend's colleagues were promoted, my friend envied both of them and he kept complaining about his Boss who's always angry with him for no reason. 

I myself was short of words because those two guys promoted were not as good as my friend when it comes to knowing your job and discharge your duty with speed and accuracy, my guy is known to be a volume pusher and everyone applauds him from time to time. 

I remembered vividly that all I could tell him back then was that he should keep working harder and cleave more unto God, I told him he shouldn't be distracted at work with someone else's success or promotion that God knows what He's doing and He knows the best. 

"My two colleagues are now my Bosses, they are now big boys with fat salaries, they are now Sales Managers, they are in control, they will soon become a Commercial Manager, I now report to one of them" my friend whispered in my ears. I couldn't utter a word than to smile. 

Two Months after, the board sent a memo to all Sales Manager, highlighted the needs for them all to drop their resignation letters within a week or get them fired. 

Lo and behold, my friend's colleagues were among those who were to resign. To cut whole story short, they all resigned while my friend who was not promoted now reports directly to the Commercial Manager since there is no more sales Manager. What the management did was to increase the Sales Representative salary, do away with the Sales Managers. My friend now appreciate God more for delaying his promotion.

Moral lesson: Let us not be wiser than our God, He knows better, God is delaying your promotion because if He allows it, you might be hurt or get fired at work. He's delaying that success of yours because you don't have the capacity or strength to possess it, He wants you to me matured spiritually. He's delaying your service years to protect you, He's delaying you from purchasing a car to prevent you from an accident, He's delaying you from building a house so that your life won't be cut short, He's delaying your admission to clear your ways, He's delaying your visa to prepare you for safe landing. You never can tell what God is preparing ahead of you at the moment.

In a nutshell, whatever you are passing through now, give thanks to God Almighty, some people might be there before you, rejoice wholeheartedly with them, it's there time, yours is coming soon, life is an express road and overtaking is allowed.

Thank you all!

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